Thursday, August 13, 2009

24 Weeks

Monday I had my 24 week Dr's appointment with NO ultrasound. This was a total bummer since I've had an ultrasound every time we go. Call me spoiled but this is one of the pay offs of going through infertility for two years. It doesn't hurt that we had such a dramatic first couple of months during this pregnancy that they've followed me ultra close. Sometimes this girl doesn't mind being pampered. I'll be having an ultrasound at my next appointment so that made me feel better.

Today was my glucose test. I had to drink a half glass of extra sugary Hawaiian Fruit Punch like liquid and then hang out in the office for an hour. During this time I weighed in gaining more than my fair share of weight. They took my blood pressure which was excellent given how much weight I'd gained. Then went in to see Dr. D. He said that he wasn't concerned about the weight gain since I have hardly gained any weight throughout the pregnancy and also since my blood pressure was great. I'll start coming in to the office every two weeks now until after Labor Day and then I'll go weekly. We listened to the babies heart beats. Baby A's HB was 162 (she got the glucose drink first) and Baby B's heartbeat was 148. 'A' was holding out on 'B'. I guess this is a sign of things to come.

So far I feel really well. I have little aches and pains or minor complaints but they aren't anything really to list. I'm grateful for such a wonderful report. Dr. D warned us that we have four more weeks to get everything prepared because at any time I could be put on bed rest. So that started off the stress alarms in both Phillip and I. We are still confused on baby names but we are slowly narrowing them down. The nursery is slowly (and I mean slowly) coming together. The crib is up and Phillip moved the changing table in their. We put Emma's crib up and it takes up so much room that there isn't any room to put a second crib up. So the babies will sleep together for the time being. Once they start getting bigger than we'll need to get two smaller and seperate cribs for each of them. I've already found them and they are pretty reasonable. I've ordered the curtains and they've shipped today so hopefully they'll be up by next week. Emma and I went and bought letters to hang on the walls but since we are still in limbo they won't be going up anytime soon. We still need to paint them before they are hung since they are plain white. My sweet friend Kathy is going to come over and paint two special Bible verses around the top of the walls as a border. I'm super excited about this since these are two verses that I've held on tight not only over the last several years but also from the beginning of this pregnancy. I have the twins bedding already but since we only have one crib up I can't decide which one to use since they are very gender driven but coordinate. We need a lamp to put on the changing table and some decorations for the walls but we aren't stressing to bad about it. At least they have a bed to sleep in if they should arrive early. Other than that things will get done and come together.

Emma and I went the other day to register at Target for their baby registry. We also have one going at Babies R Us. It's so fun having her involved. She gets to excited and we've made her the official "scanner girl." We let her pick out things for the babies and she gets the final decision if we can't make up our minds. She's very much a part of this process. As we were leaving the Dr's office she said, "Mommy, is the Doctor taking the babies out today?" She can't wait for them to get here. She already has big plans to help them walk, swim and play. I guess I need to prepare her more for them sleeping a lot and not being very active the first several months. Hopefully she won't be to disappointed.


Joy@WDDCH said...

Things are coming along!!! So exciting! I am still working on the nursery and I'm over 30 weeks. I'm so ready for it to be done!

Tiffany Nicole Harkey Salinas said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you and the babies. Emma is going to make a great Big Sister!

Stephanie said...

My friend with twins kept them in the same crib and they wer so used to it she could not ever spearate them. they are almost 2 now and have shared a crib the whole time and it worked perfectly for them. just sharing the info....maybe they'll like 1 crib and maybe they wont. :o) i am so excited for you guys!